We packed our sleeping bags, cookout gear & incense and slept under the stars and a blanket of trees as the neaby traffic whooshed! in our ears.

walking the coals

During a short over-night stay at Camp Long we gathered round the fire
thru the wee hours of the night and discussed our dreams, passions, and hopes
for the future (of New Amerikan Theatre..).

New Krop

We talked of our desires to plant seeds in things that we believe in.
We brainstormed ways in which we could make a contribution to our community.

Ring of Fire / Circle of Life

We discussed which doorways each of us hoped to open through our collaboration with each other and with New Amerikan Theatre.



Inspiration Ignites!

Telisa & Carolynne spinning dreams
Jen to play Fat Lyza in Riding the Bull
Kirsten conjures the Winds

We imagined what New Amerikan Theatre's next season might look like.

Fire Waltz

We had an impromptu production meeting for Riding the Bull,
(our next show- coming this summer...!) at a picnic table in the meadow while
the sun graced us for a bit.

Riding the Bull

New Amerikan Theatre, Gritty Epics presented on a Meagre Budget. The Deadliest Instruments: Aug 20-22, 2012 at The Triple Door